Scanning Services
Scanning protects your photos from a lot of enemies: fading from sun, water damage, rips and tears, and so on. Once digitized, those photos can be shared with the entire family and kept safe for generations.
Do you have boxes, containers, and drawers of loose photos lying around the house? Bring all of your photos to us and we can scan them for you. All photos up to 8 x 10 are scanned at 600 DPI and saved as JPEG files.
Any memorabilia, no matter the importance or how old, can be digitized. Memorabilia adds personal touch to your story.
All flatbed scans are scanned at 300 DPI and saved as JPEG files.
Scrapbook Pages
Want to digitize your old photo albums and scrapbook pages? The time & effort put into assembling and creating these projects should never be lost. Reach out today to learn more.